IMPORTANT! How To Record Audio in Apple Mojave

Posted on by Larry

In maxOS Mojave (10.14.x), Apple made a big change to how software processes audio. If you don’t pay attention, you won’t be able to record audio in your applications.

If you are running Mojave, the first time you start an application that uses audio – for example, Final Cut Pro X or Premiere Pro – you’ll see a message that asks if you will allow the application to access your microphone.

If you, like me, are the suspicious sort, you click: “No.”

At this point, you’ve disabled all audio recording in that software, regardless of whether you use a microphone or some other audio source connected via USB.

Yes, this message is both stupid and unclear. Here’s how to fix it.

Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy.

Click the Privacy tab at the top.

Select Microphone on the left.

Then check every application that you want to allow to record audio.

Once this is done, your applications will work like they did in High Sierra.

This cost me a couple of hours today, so I wanted to let you know.

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11 Responses to IMPORTANT! How To Record Audio in Apple Mojave

  1. Jacob Hodgman says:

    Thanks Larry, good to know ahead of updating.

  2. stu aull says:

    Larry wanders too close to the Bleeding Edge. again! Thank you for taking another Bullet for the Cause Larry!!!

  3. Lou Hemsey says:

    Excellent and thank you.
    Lou Hemsy

  4. Chris North says:

    Thanks Larry. I would have disabled the mic too. I am in awe of the people who write these complicated systems but dumbfounded by the simple stupidity on such basic things.

  5. Dick Walters says:

    This has had me messed up too, Larry especially with Apple format files, which lack audio and hang the desktop on my iMac Pro. Trying to follow your lead, the only app that’s listed for microphone is Boom 3D and there is no apparent way to add additional apps

  6. Dick Walters says:

    Thanks, Christian. That’s what I learned from Apple Support. Seems to be working OK now that the FCP icon shows up.

  7. Dick Walters says:

    Thanks, Christian. That’s what I learned from Apple Support. Seems to be working OK now that the FCP icon shows up.

  8. Marvin says:

    Thank you! I wasn’t able to figure out this issue until I ran across your article linked on a troubleshooting forum. This completely solved my issue.

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