[ This article was first published in the December, 2007, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Paul Corker, of Penzance Cornwall UK, sends in our last tip for this issue:
I have seen your training and the section about video generators and the ability to use “grids”. I found it very helpful but wanted to save my chosen grid separately – had a hard time!
So attached is a Cyan Grid 800 pix by 600 pix x 72 created as a Tiff file in Photoshop which you can import into Final Cut. Add it to a track in your timeline above the clips you want the grid to appear, then use Modify > Composite Mode > Multiply to superimpose it. Hope this is helpful.
Larry replies: Thanks, Paul, for sending this in. If you’d like to download this, click here (1.5 MB).
Here’s a sample of what the grid looks like in action, composited using Multiply mode:
UPDATE – Dec. 27, 2007
Jonathan Kirsch writes:
I’m sure you already know about it, but Digital Heaven has a plug-in that generates grids…handy itself. It‘s free and you can get it here.
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