FutureVideo Releases Multi-View HD Pro V2

Multi-View HD Pro V2 is Windows software, created by FutureVideo, that can import, synchronize, playback and edit multiple streams of H.264/HEVC media.

Optimized for GoPro cameras, it reads the timecode metadata to automatically synchronize up to eight video streams, create any necessary proxies, then edit them as if you were watching the performance live.

Multi-View HD Pro allows you to “recreate” the shoot and playback in sync to edit the angles at the points you may have missed if using just a single camera. If you’re using a GoPro Hero 7-12, timecode from the metadata will be read and immediately sync the videos. It also imports proxies (.LRV files) and uses these to facilitate playback without a high powered PC.

Image courtesy FutureVideo. Click to see larger image.

Designed for post-production, not live streaming, Multi-View HD Pro can:

According to FutureVideo this system can be used for viewing and editing multi-camera recordings of:

Here’s a link to learn more.

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