FCP X: Spell Check Your Titles

Posted on by Larry

Final Cut Pro X contains the built-in ability to check grammar and spelling in your title text. The options are a bit hidden, but this short video tutorial shows you how to avoid the embarrassment of getting caught with misspelled text.

NOTEThis is an excerpt from a recent webinar on Text and Titles in FCP X. You can buy the complete webinar now and download it from our store or, for only $5.00 more, get all my training via my new subscription membership.

TRT: 2:13 — QuickTime movie

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One Response to FCP X: Spell Check Your Titles

  1. Tracy Hindes says:

    Hi there!

    Thanks for posting this clip it was quite helpful!

    However I have another question…
    On occasion we deal with projects in other languages and with the spell checker enabled it tries to auto-correct any text we type and sometimes completely changes the foreign language spelling. I was wondering if there was a way to switch off the auto-correct option globally instead of just for the single text item, as this it how Final Cut X seems to work.

    Motion 5 gave the option to turn off auto-correct but I’m unable to find this same option in Final Cut.


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