[This article was first published in the July, 2011, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.]
Maryanne Galvin asks:
In the Log & Transfer window of FCP 7, how do I empty the Log & Transfer window? Every time I bring in new material from the 7D card, the ‘old’ footage from prior cards/shoots remains in the log list.
Larry replies: Easily.
In the top left corner of the Log & Transfer screen, click the small “Eject” icon.
This removes the existing library and allows you to load a new one.
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3 Responses to FCP 7: Log & Transfer
HI Larry
My friend dragged the ” log and transfer window “to it’s fullest screen size and now i can’t revert it back to the full browse file and view screen format for transferring my AVCHD files in to FCP7! Any thoughts please for someone who is very happy with FCP7 here in London UK! Although i try to drag the sides with the cursor to make it smaller and rediscover where the heck the browse window is i am still at a loss!
Many thanks for you time and i was lucky to hear you the other year in Kensington allowing us 7 people a little more time converting to X!!! I’m still here but content!
All the best
Hello there – greetings from the Mother (Is)Land as well…I too have had the same problem but see there is no answer as yet?? would be great if you could find the time please!
Many thanks
Hi Lea
As no help was forthcoming i managed to track this down via an old friend in post:
He said:
Go to the left hand side
Drag right
For getting the Sizig of window in log and transfer or log and capture try making canvas smaller first then open those widows it will be that size
If there’s still problems u can always chuck the preferences using something like preference manager software