FCP X: Larry’s Top 25 Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted on by Larry

These aren’t all the shortcuts I use, but they are my favorites. Add your favorites in the comments below.

NOTE: I’ve included a much more extensive PDF list of my favorite 250 keyboard shortcuts with all my Final Cut Pro X training.

Favorite Keyboard Shortcuts
Shortcut What It Does
Cmd + I Open Media Import window
Cmd + E Export Project Master File
Option + N Create new event
Cmd + N Create new project
Cmd + J Display current Project properties
Control + Cmd + J Display current Library properties
I Set the In (Start)
Option + I Delete the In
O Set the Out (End)
Option + O Delete the Out (End)
Option + X Delete the In and the Out
S Toggle Skimming off or on
N Toggle Snapping on or off
Control + Cmd + 1 Show/Hide Browser and Library List
E Perform an Append edit
W Perform an Insert edit
D Perform an Overwrite edit
Q Perform a Connected edit
Cmd + G Create a Connected Storyline
Cmd + T Apply default transition to the selected edit point, clip, or group of clips
M Set marker (or open existing marker) at the position of skimmer or playhead.
Control + D Display duration of selected clip or transition
Control + S Expand / Collapse audio and video elements of a selected clip(s)
Shift + X Extend (jump) the selected edit point to the skimmer/playhead
[comma] / [period] Move selected edit point or clip one frame left / right
Shift + [comma] / Shift + [period] Move selected edit point or clip ten frames left / right

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13 Responses to FCP X: Larry’s Top 25 Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Ed Mc Donough says:

    Suggest Adding Some Additional Basics
    J = Reverse
    K = Stop
    L = Forward
    Space Bar = Start/Stop
    = 1 Frame Forward

    B = Razor Blade Tool
    A = Arrow Tool

  2. Brian Thomas says:

    Shouldn’t Cmd-Z be in there? 😉

  3. Tim Maisey says:

    Hi Larry,

    Where can I get your full shortcut pdf? I bought your 10.1 training package when it first came out – was it released after this?

    Many thanks,

    Tim Maisey

  4. Lynn says:

    Hi Larry,

    Thanks for the list! I’m using these shortcuts quite often, but since I’ve updated my FCP to 10.2.1, all the shortcuts with Command in it don’t work anymore. So Command+E for example doesn’t work, but the ‘n’ for magnetic on/of does. Do you know how to fix this?


  5. Garry Burgess says:

    The period and comma key for the nudge commands don’t work on my Apple wireless keyboard. It just beeps at me…. sadly.

    • Larry says:


      The keyboard should not make any difference. Make sure you have a clip, or edit point, selected before pressing the keys. THEN, make sure there is room for the clip to move – if it is blocked by clips on both sides, it won’t move.


  6. prasad says:

    delet gap short key pls

    • Larry says:


      Select the gap, by clicking it, and press the BIG Delete key; the key two keys immediately above the Return key.

      Pressing the small Delete key, next to the End key on a full-size keyboard, deletes whatever is selected and replaces it with a gap.


  7. Arjun says:

    How to move a clip to ten frames left or right

    • Larry says:


      Provided the clip is not blocked by another clip on the timeline, select the clip and type Shift + comma/period. To move a clip one frame, type comma or period.

      If the clip is on the primary storyline and blocked by another clip, select the Position tool ( P ) before moving it. At which point the clip that is moving will overwrite the other clip.


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