These aren’t all the shortcuts I use, but they are my favorites. Add your favorites in the comments below.
NOTE: I’ve included a much more extensive PDF list of my favorite 250 keyboard shortcuts with all my Final Cut Pro X training.
Shortcut | What It Does |
Cmd + I | Open Media Import window |
Cmd + E | Export Project Master File |
Option + N | Create new event |
Cmd + N | Create new project |
Cmd + J | Display current Project properties |
Control + Cmd + J | Display current Library properties |
I | Set the In (Start) |
Option + I | Delete the In |
O | Set the Out (End) |
Option + O | Delete the Out (End) |
Option + X | Delete the In and the Out |
S | Toggle Skimming off or on |
N | Toggle Snapping on or off |
Control + Cmd + 1 | Show/Hide Browser and Library List |
E | Perform an Append edit |
W | Perform an Insert edit |
D | Perform an Overwrite edit |
Q | Perform a Connected edit |
Cmd + G | Create a Connected Storyline |
Cmd + T | Apply default transition to the selected edit point, clip, or group of clips |
M | Set marker (or open existing marker) at the position of skimmer or playhead. |
Control + D | Display duration of selected clip or transition |
Control + S | Expand / Collapse audio and video elements of a selected clip(s) |
Shift + X | Extend (jump) the selected edit point to the skimmer/playhead |
[comma] / [period] | Move selected edit point or clip one frame left / right |
Shift + [comma] / Shift + [period] | Move selected edit point or clip ten frames left / right |
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13 Responses to FCP X: Larry’s Top 25 Keyboard Shortcuts
Suggest Adding Some Additional Basics
J = Reverse
K = Stop
L = Forward
Space Bar = Start/Stop
= 1 Frame Forward
B = Razor Blade Tool
A = Arrow Tool
Shouldn’t Cmd-Z be in there? 😉
Nah…. What editor makes mistakes????
This fat fingered editor….
Hi Larry,
Where can I get your full shortcut pdf? I bought your 10.1 training package when it first came out – was it released after this?
Many thanks,
Tim Maisey
Hi Larry,
Thanks for the list! I’m using these shortcuts quite often, but since I’ve updated my FCP to 10.2.1, all the shortcuts with Command in it don’t work anymore. So Command+E for example doesn’t work, but the ‘n’ for magnetic on/of does. Do you know how to fix this?
There’s something more serious going on, because all the old Command shortcuts also work in FCP X 10.2.1. First, trash FCP X preferences. If that doesn’t work, its time to call Apple support.
The period and comma key for the nudge commands don’t work on my Apple wireless keyboard. It just beeps at me…. sadly.
The keyboard should not make any difference. Make sure you have a clip, or edit point, selected before pressing the keys. THEN, make sure there is room for the clip to move – if it is blocked by clips on both sides, it won’t move.
delet gap short key pls
Select the gap, by clicking it, and press the BIG Delete key; the key two keys immediately above the Return key.
Pressing the small Delete key, next to the End key on a full-size keyboard, deletes whatever is selected and replaces it with a gap.
How to move a clip to ten frames left or right
Provided the clip is not blocked by another clip on the timeline, select the clip and type Shift + comma/period. To move a clip one frame, type comma or period.
If the clip is on the primary storyline and blocked by another clip, select the Position tool ( P ) before moving it. At which point the clip that is moving will overwrite the other clip.