[This is an excerpt from a recent PowerUP webinar: Animation and Keyframes in Final Cut Pro X, which you can download from our store. You can also access all our webinars by becoming a subscriber.]
Keyframes scare a lot of people – including me, when I was first learning Final Cut Pro. But they are the best tool to use for animation, so they are worth taking the time to learn.
In this video training, I introduce the concept of keyframes as “a point of change during playback.” If nothing changes during playback, you don’t need to use keyframes. If something does, then you do.
The easiest way to wrap your mind around what keyframes do is to explain them in terms of audio – setting levels and adding fades. So, this video does two things: it explains what keyframes are and illustrates how to use them in a simple fashion by adjusting audio levels and fades. Along the way, we also discuss changing audio fade shapes, and what each shape does.
TRT: 7:59 — QuickTime HD movie
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