Exporting Video to MXF Format

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the October, 2008, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


Juan Eduardo Capril writes:

How can i export from FCP6 to a MXF format??, the media is recording in a PMW-EX1 camcorder Sony XDCAM EX 1920×1080

Chris Kollmar sent me the answer:

If you have the XDCAM transfer plugin installed you can do an export of a sequence or selected clip in the browser to MXF format.


First, set your audio outputs to dual mono instead of Stereo.


Make sure your sequence or clip is selected in the browser. Then, go to File > Export > Sony XDCAM. A dialog box will pop up asking where you want to put the files.


I have a PMW-EX1 and just did a test – it works.

Björn Adamski adds:

The Sony XDCAM Transfer tool also offers an export plug-in to use with FCP. There were issue reports with sequences longer than 20 minutes but maybe this has been fixed with recent updates.


Here’s where you can find them: http://www.sony.ca/xdcamex/software.htm


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4 Responses to Exporting Video to MXF Format

  1. Charles Diego-Roll says:

    Has anyone been able to establish a work flow that allows for this in FCP X? I am using Sony’s Content Browser Exporter (1.1), and that requires me to export 8 mono audio tracks, but I need tracks 1&2 to be stereo L&R. In FCP 7 even though I would export 4 audio tracks (2x Dual mono), I could still send L to track 1 and R to track 2, and it would export Dual mono, but they would still be “stereo” as far as our audio meters were concerned. In FCP X my audio always comes out mono. Have you ever run into this problem, or better yet, figured out a solution?!


    • Andy says:

      Hi Charles

      In FCP X you have to do your L & R track separation using Roles … in essence it’s no different than in working in FCP 7 when assigning your stereo L & R audio to Dual Mono output tracks 1 & 2 respectively … for simplicity you could just make a compound clip of your edit, then set the compound clip’s “Setero” audio to Dual Mono (in the inspector), expand the audio components and assign the Left channel to the “Stereo Left” role that you previously created, and likewise, assign the Right channel to the “Stereo Right” role” ….now, when you do your export (Share > Master File) then you select “Roles as Multitrack Quicktime Movie” from the “Roles to” menu, create as menu mono audio tracks as required for your target and assign your left and right roles to them as needed.

      Hope that helps

  2. Michelle says:

    I have FCPX 10.1.3 and I did your last instructions, but, it give me a .mov file… how to convert it to a MXF file?

  3. Sergey says:

    Charles, you actually saved my day. I tried everything to make MXF XDCAM a stereo without any luck. I couldn’t even imagine that in order to get stereo the sequences should be set to dual mono. It’s crazy and it works. Thank you a lot for this post!

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