[ This article was first published in the June, 2010, issue of
Larry’s Monthly Final Cut Studio Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Larry Vaughn asks:
Larry, question about using Keynote quicktime shows with FCP. I have the most current version of each, and shoot in HDV with a Canon XH-A1. I don’t like the look of the Keynote letters with exporting at the HDV settings. What would you suggest I use? Will the other settings merge correctly with my HDV shots which I did at 30F, Canon’s solution to 30P? Which setting is best?
Thanks in advance.
Larry replies: Larry, any Keynote video will need to render.
Therefore, export as ProRes – to maintain quality. Since Keynote has no particular frame rate, export at 29.97 (or 30, if you don’t have that option). Then, let FCP render the file when you add it to your sequence.
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One Response to Export Keynote Slides for Video
Thanks for the info. However, I do not see an option in Keynote to export as ProRes? I do not see where I can custom select the frame rate for export? Could you please advise?