DVD Studio Pro: Creating A Button Overlay

Posted on by Larry

[This article was first published in the July, 2011, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.]


Leibel Cohen asks:

I am trying to duplicate the exercise from the following page, using my own graphics:

Creating DVD Menu and Button Highlights Using Photoshop Layers.

and am having trouble understanding what you mean by “overlay” in PS.

I am creating a top layer, in PS, creating the graphic and/or text in all black, and sighting that layer as you describe when I go into DVDSP.

But nothing happens. The button states do not seem to change any colors or bring out those graphics at all.

Is there something more to creating the “overlay” in PS, some special mode, or way of preparing the layer that I am not understanding? Because it doesn’t appear to be working.

Larry replies: Leibel, thanks for writing.

An overlay is a separate layer in Photoshop that contains ONLY the images that you want to change color when a button on the DVD menu is pressed.

The overlay image MUST be solid black and placed either on a white background, or transparent background.

When you draw the button region in DVD SP, you include the overlay graphic in the button region to enable it to change color based upon the color settings in the Inspector.

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