[ This article was first published in the March, 2010, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
David Bogard writes:
I want to take a portion of a sequence…say 30 clips… and make a second sequence. How do I do this and keep ALL the clips intact (separate video and audio tracts)? When I try and copy and paste to the new sequence, it works but I have one long clip of audio and video..not the individual items I had in the original sequence. In other words, I want the second sequence to appear exactly like the first, but just the included clips. Is it possible to do this?
Larry replies: Yes, drag the original sequence from the Browser into the Timeline of the new sequence.
When your cursor enters the Timeline window, hold down the Command key. The original sequence will automatically deconstruct into its individual clips.
If you just want to bring in a range of a sequence, drag the sequence into the Viewer, set an In and an Out, then drag the marked sequence from the Viewer to the Timeline, holding down the Command key as your cursor enters the Timeline window.
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