Creating an Audio CD in Soundtrack Pro

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the May, 2010, issue of
Larry’s Monthly Final Cut Studio Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


Vasan asks:

Is it possible to make individual tracks from one long music track in Soundtrack Pro? In Adobe audition, it is simple and straightforward. I was not able to find that info including your tutorial.

Larry replies: Yes, Vasan, easily. There are two ways to do this. If one doesn’t work, the other will.

To create an audio CD, you need to create individual clips for each track you want to place on the CD.


  1. Place your playhead at the start of the clip you want to export
  2. Type the letter “i” (without the quotes)
  3. Place your playhead at the end of the clip you want to export
  4. Type the letter “o” (without the quotes)
  5. Make sure SubMix 1 is set to Stereo output (Tracks 1-2)
  6. Select File > Export with the following settings:


Earlier versions of STP didn’t always recognize the In and Out, so try this.

However you decide to create your separate tracks, Roxio Toast is EXCELLENT at burning your audio CD.

UPDATE – June 2, 2010

Peter Neil, of the BBC London adds:

I know this doesn’t answer the original question – which was about achieving this in Soundtrack Pro, but by far the best way I’ve found is to use SoundStudio 3

You open the long track and then insert markers at each break point (including one at the beginning) and then Edit > Split by markers and it saves each section as a separate track. If you bother to name the markers with the track names, the saved sections will be similarly named. It’s possible to save in several audio file formats, or as AIFF for burning using Toast (or, indeed, iTunes).

A trial copy of the application can be downloaded from which can be opened, I think, 10 times before you have to pay for it.

Larry replies: Thanks, Peter. I was not aware of this program.

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