Create Custom Video or Audio Effect Presets in Adobe Premiere Pro

Many Adobe Premiere Pro projects use the same effects – and effect settings – over and over.

Creating these each time you need them is a waste of time. Why? Because it is easy to create custom effect presets and reuse them as often as you need.

For example, in my webinar edits I frequently insert a quarter-screen video of myself superimposed over either Keynote slides or a software demo.

This video is scaled, positioned, and cropped the same for each webinar. In the past, I’d create this effect each time for each video. But, using video effect presets, it’s now a single click and I’m done.

Here’s how to create these presets.


To start, select a timeline clip and create whatever effects you plan to reuse. In my example, this involves changing settings for Position and Scale, then adding a Crop effect and adjusting the color grade.

With the timeline clip selected, go to the Effect Controls panel and select the effect you want to save. (To select multiple effects, Cntrl-click (Windows) or Cmd-click (Mac) the effects you want to select.)

NOTE: In the screen shot above, I have selected both Motion and Crop. Crop is a separate effect added from the Effects panel. You can even add keyframes to animate the effect.

At the top, next to the words “Effect Controls,” click the panel menu (red arrow) to open the panel menu, then choose Save Preset.

Next, give the preset a name and, if it helps, a description.

If the effect uses keyframes for animation, select one of these preset types:

NOTE: If the effect does not use keyframes, you can ignore these settings.

Finally, click OK to save the preset.

This new preset automatically appears in Effects > Presets.


To apply a preset, either:

Here, for example, notice that the new presets are applied to the Motion settings, while the Crop effect was added and configured to match the preset (red arrows).

Adobe has some special rules regarding how and where the preset is applied in the timeline:


Just as you can create bins to store clips, you can also create bins to store effects presets.


Creating effects presets saves time when you find yourself reusing the same effect over and over. The process isn’t hard and, once you create the preset, reusing it is a piece of cake.


You can also use this exact same process to create custom audio presets. While each audio effect in Premiere supports custom settings and presets, the advantage to using this technique is that you can apply multiple effects – each with custom settings – with a single click.

Here’s the Adobe Help page that explains this technique in more detail.

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