Convert Files From Soundtrack Pro to Adobe Audition CC

Posted on by Larry

Recently, I came across an old Soundtrack Pro project that I wanted to move into Adobe Audition. Since Soundtrack uses a proprietary file format, it would first need to be converted before it could be imported anywhere.

The easiest way would be to use OMF files – however, while Soundtrack imports OMFs it doesn’t export them. And, while Soundtrack exports AAF files, Audition doesn’t import them. What to do?

Logo_Audition_CC.jpgThe answer is a little round-about, but thanks to Durin Gleaves, Audio Product Manager at Adobe, here’s the solution. First, I’ll provide the Reader’s Digest version, then all the details.


This can be done in just a few steps, depending if the AAF contains media:

1. Export an AAF file from Soundtrack Pro.
2. Import the AAF into Premiere Pro CC.
3a. If the AAF includes media which can be relinked in Premiere, send the project directly from Premiere to Audition and you are ready to mix.

3b. If you can’t relink the media in Premiere, export the Premiere project as an FCP 7 XML file.
4. Import the XML file into Audition.
5. Relink the media and you are ready to mix.


[ Click to see a larger version of this image. ]

Here is the mix inside Soundtrack Pro. (This software was shipped with Final Cut Pro 7 and last updated about five years ago.)

To export this in a form that other applications can read, choose: File > Export AAF

It is a REALLY good idea to create a new folder for your AAF file, then, store the AAF file inside that folder. Why?

Because creating an AAF file creates an AAF file for transfer, PLUS all the audio files contained in your Soundtrack project. A LOT of files!

At this point, you are done with Soundtrack Pro and can quit the application.


Open Adobe Premiere and create a new project. The exact settings are not important as they will change when the AAF file is imported.

From within Premiere, select File > Import. Then, and this is important, find the AAF file you exported from Soundtrack Pro and import just that file.

NOTE: While you can select the folder containing the AAF file to import, this may not work properly.

Here things get tricky. Depending upon how the Soundtrack project was configured, Premiere may indicate that all your media is offline.

If you try to relink these files in Premiere, you’ll see this error message. At this point, don’t worry. Let all the media remain offline; don’t relink them.

At this point, all your clips are properly laid out in correct position, but offline.


At this point, you have two options. If the media made the transfer successfully, sending the project to Audition is easy: choose Edit > Edit in Adobe Audition > Entire Sequence.

However, if the media is offline – which is more often the case, we have a few more steps to go through. To start, inside Premiere choose File > Export > Final Cut Pro XML.

Again, create a new folder and store the XML file in that folder.

At this point we are done with Premiere. Quit the application.


Open Audition.

Choose File > Import File and navigate to the XML file you just exported from Premiere.

At this point, Audition warns you that it can’t find the files. That’s because the XML file only points to media and the media was offline when it was exported from Premiere.

Choose Clip > Link All Media. Again, you have two choices:

Either way will work, depending upon which media is easier to find.

[ Click to see a larger version of this image. ]

And here’s the converted project, loaded into Audition and ready to start the mix.


The only tricky part of this process is that you need to open the original Soundtrack project and export it as an AAF. Other applications can’t open the native Soundtrack project file, unless it is first converted.

After that, the conversion process just takes a minute or two.

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4 Responses to Convert Files From Soundtrack Pro to Adobe Audition CC

  1. KOGUC says:

    I’ve tried out in Premiere and Audition 2018.
    It doesn’t work at all.
    Edit > Edit in Adobe Audition > Entire Sequence doesn’t exist

    Do you have an idea ?
    I really need to convert this file for a future use.

    Thank you.

    • Larry says:


      Hmm… I use this feature several times a week and it works great.

      * Select the Timeline in Premiere
      * At which point the Edit > Edit in Audition > Sequence option is enabled.


  2. Jeremy Stephens says:

    So, what can I do if I don’t have Soundtrack Pro anymore?


    • Larry says:


      Sadly, not a lot. Apple doesn’t have an application today that does what Soundtrack Pro does. Logic is focused on music creation, not audio mixing and sweetening for video.
      At this point, you need to look at Adobe Audition or Avid ProTools to get similar features.


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