Compare the Visual Differences Between Slow Motion Effects in Premiere Pro [v]

Posted on by Larry

[ This is an excerpt from a recent on-line webinar: “Create Clip Speed Changes in Adobe Premiere Pro” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]


There are five different ways to create slow motion video effects in Adobe Premiere Pro. In this short video, Larry Jordan illustrates the image quality differences between them.


Compare the Visual Differences Between Slow Motion Effects in Premiere Pro

TRT: 8:31 — MPEG-4 HD movie



AI is enabling new ways to change the playback speed of clips for video editing. In this webinar, Larry Jordan showcases a variety of ways to change the playback speed of video clips in Adobe Premiere Pro. This session also highlights Topaz Video AI – software that does what Premiere can’t.


Speed changes are surprisingly flexible, easy to create and can add depth and interest to your next project. This session will show you everything you need to know.


This is an intermediate-level session. Some knowledge of Premiere Pro will be helpful in understanding this material.

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4 Responses to Compare the Visual Differences Between Slow Motion Effects in Premiere Pro [v]

  1. Max Shuppert says:

    Hi Larry — thank you for sharing your examples of slow-motion, especially Topaz AI.

    I often have to use slow-mo in my projects and given the arguable shortcomings of Premiere’s built-in methods, I instead re-time clips in After Effects using Time Stretch and change the frame blending mode to Pixel Motion. The results are typically exponentially better than attempting the same inside Premiere.

    Doing so is of course more time consuming, but the quality results almost always is worth the extra effort.


  2. Emerson says:

    I wonder why the clip at 240 fps when it is in a 30 fps timeline doesn’t play faster? Premiere “kills” all the additional frames?

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