[This is an excerpt from a recent on-line webinar: “Discover the Power of Fonts” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library.]
Our goal is to tell stories – and the best stories touch our emotions. However, all too often, we overlook a powerful tool that can influence our emotions: fonts.
In this session, Larry Jordan looks at fonts and how to use them more effectively in conveying information and emotions for your video projects. Whether you are a video editor or graphics designer, fonts are a powerful tool that trigger an emotional response in an audience.
This session covers:
Using fonts spans all applications, as does our emotional response to fonts. For this session, Larry uses Photoshop to illustrate how to work with fonts. However, the information he covers extends to all video and image editing software.
In this short video excerpt, Larry showcases different fonts and illustrates how to choose the best one for your next project.
How to Choose the Right Fonts
TRT: 7:11 — MPEG-4 HD movie
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