[ This article was first published in the Sept/Oct, 2007, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
This quick tutorial sprang from a comment Anne Gibson sent. She writes:
If you ever get any info on how to change Exposé so that function keys work properly in FCP, please let me know. Right now, I am turning if off every day in Systems Prefs > Keyboard > Mouse.
Larry replies: Piece of cake. Here are the steps:
1) Go to the Blue Apple > System Preferences.
2) If you are running OS X 10.4, click Dashboard & Expose
3) If you are running OS X 10.3, click Expose
4) The pop-up menus in the lower left control how the F-keys are programmed. Change them from the default F9, F10, F11, & F12 by holding down the Control key and setting them to: Control+F9, Control+F10, Control+F11, and Control+F12.
After that, you won’t need to reset them again.
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