[ This article was first published in the November, 2008, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Matt Jeppsen writes:
Appreciate the consistent collection of monthly tips and tricks. Normally I’ve got nothing to offer, but there was one comment in the newsletter that is at odds with what I’ve personally experienced, and I wanted to write and mention it.
In the section entitled “CAPTURING AN ENTIRE HDV TAPE” you suggested to Jagadish that it is impossible to capture an entire HDV tape without FCP creating new clips at the start of each new scene/tc break. Specifically: “Larry replies: Capturing an entire tape containing multiple shots is not possible with HDV – unless you bypass FireWire and capture using the analog output of the camera with a capture card, such as AJA or Blackmagic Design.”
With all due respect, I don’t think that statement is 100% accurate. I can tell you that I capture entire HDV tapes in one file all the time. The relevant setting that worked for me is in the HDV capture window on the Clip Settings tab. Untick “Create new clip on Start/Stop.” Now, I’ve read somewhere on the DV info forums that this setting made no difference for some JVC HDV camcorder users. That may well be the case. I have no experience with capturing JVC HDV footage. The setting does work as advertised for me, however, with my Sony HDV camcorders. So maybe it’s based on the capture device control preset, or something along those lines.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that at least ONE user in the Midwest can capture entire HDV tapes without scene breaks. 🙂
Larry replies: Thanks, Matt, for sharing this with us.
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