Blackmagic Design Responds to Apple Discontinuing Support for Older Media Codecs

In light of Apple’s announced discontinuing of older 32-bit media codecs, I reached out to Blackmagic Design and specifically asked these questions:

Here is Blackmagic’s response:

Unfortunately, we can’t comment on [your] questions as we don’t comment on future product plans or proprietary product information. However, we can share that DaVinci Resolve doesn’t use the 32-bit QuickTime 7 libraries and that it has native support for a number of key codecs on the legacy list, such as DNx, Cineform, JPEG 2000, etc.


To me, this answer seems to skate past the issue of identifying and converting legacy media in older projects, as well as recommendations for future-proofing our media.

With the coming of the holidays, getting more answers will take time, but if you have additional questions, please add them in the comments below and I’ll reflect them back to Blackmagic Design.

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2 Responses to Blackmagic Design Responds to Apple Discontinuing Support for Older Media Codecs

  1. “future proof your media” right up there with “hey, how do I read these 8″ floppy discs?” the only thing certain is change

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