Apple Removed Fat EQ and Three Other Audio Effects From FCP 10.6.6

Posted on by Larry

[UPDATE June 12, 2023: This now lists all the legacy audio effects that were removed.]

A big change with the FCP 10.6.6 update was the removal of the Fat EQ audio filter, along with three other legacy audio effects. Since I use FatEQ in almost all my projects, I was concerned.

After doing some homework, here’s what I learned.


Apple deprecated four audio effects several years ago because the technology they used was old and wouldn’t run in future versions of FCP or the macOS. However, while developers receive deprecation notes, I don’t recall seeing a notice to end users about this change.

With the release of FCP 10.6.6, Apple removed:

NOTE: You can see the complete list of Logic Effects here. Click the Table of Contents link, then scroll to the bottom to read about the removed Legacy Effects.


If you open an older project that includes these filters, they will be available to you. But you won’t be able to insert them into a new project.

NOTE: Ron discovered a workaround in that if you have an older project with Fat EQ applied, you can select on older clip that contains the effect and choose Edit > Copy to copy the existing effect. Then select the clip(s) in the new project and choose Edit > Paste Attributes to paste the effect into the new clips.

However, while this tip works now, there’s no guarantee this will work in the future. There’s a better option.


The good news, if you used Fat EQ in existing projects, is that it will still appear applied to your clips when those projects are reopened. As well, it can still be adjusted using the Inspector, but it’s not available to apply to new clips.

A better method is to use Channel EQ. This is written using newer technology and has similar adjustability. You’ll find it in the Effects browser > Audio > EQ.

Apply the effect to the clip(s) you want to modify, then either select a Preset from the Preset menu (bottom red arrow), or click the icon (top red arrow) to open the full interface.

There is a wide variety of presets to choose from. All of these are fully adjustable. You can also create and save your own presets.

The interface is fully interactive. Click a frequency to adjust the center point, dB and Q values.


Channel EQ provides the same or better control than Fat EQ, but it may take a bit of time to get used to the new interface. I’ll write a more detailed tutorial in coming weeks.

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11 Responses to Apple Removed Fat EQ and Three Other Audio Effects From FCP 10.6.6

  1. Kris says:

    Hi Larry,
    I have never used the FatEQ. I have used Channels EQ instead, which I find is much better.

  2. Dale Bluestein says:

    Hi Larry.
    Can you say do the above changes also affected the Limiter function? I found that upon reopening some projects that had the Limiter on audio tracks (almost all of them) the audio was almost non-existent. I use Limiter settings that you have outlined previously to great use. But after updating, the Limiter settings are WAY out of wack and you can’t change them. Only thing to do was delete it – reapply the affect and reset all the settings. Do you think they will ever “un-mess” this?

    • Larry says:


      First, be sure to report it to Apple Support – nothing gets fixed if Apple doesn’t know about it. Also, this may reset by simply trashing FCP preferences.

      Second, predicting what Apple will – or won’t – do is a fool’s game. I have no clue.


  3. Craig Seeman says:

    But what are the replacements for Desser and Platinumverb?
    I suspect Voice Isolation is a replacement for Denoiser but there’s very limited control in Voice Isolation.

    SpaceDesigner or Chromaverb might be replacements for Platinumverb. Although I’m still seeing Silververb.

    There’s DeEsser 2 which is the newer version of DeEsser.

    Perhaps you should list the replacements and how to use them.

    • Larry says:


      This is a good suggestions. I’ll add them to my list.

      SpaceDesigner is AMAZING! However, use the presets, they are much easier to understand than the interface. (When this was first released – for Logic – it was a $1,000 plugin.)


  4. The Limiter effect is broken when a project is migrated from 10.6.5 to 10.6.6. That is, it’s settings are changed in the process, Gain is set to -19).

    Anyone know of Apple’s plans for a patch or revision?

    • Larry says:


      Interesting. I haven’t noticed this.

      The best way to get Apple to fix bugs – and even then, this isn’t guaranteed – is to notify Apple Support. You can also fill out the Feedback form inside Final Cut (in the Final Cut menu).


  5. Dan Bidwa says:

    FYI: Apple also deleted the “Voiceover” effect (in Effects/Audio/Voice). Annoyingly, this means that audio using that effect now doesn’t play at all. There’s a replacement (“Voice Over Enhancement 2”) that does the same thing, but AFAIK you need to manually add it to any clip using the old, now-broken effect (and turn off or remove the old effect).

  6. Larry says:


    Ouch. Thanks for letting us know.


  7. Brent says:

    Thank you, Larry, for this and so much more information on FCP and video editing in general, etc.

    I have found Spectral Gate a useful alternative to the Denoiser. Was pleasantly surprised at how well it reduced noise without harming the important bits, and at its ease of use.

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