Apple has improved object tracking in the 10.7 version of Final Cut Pro. While still not perfect, it is much faster and more accurate. Plus it provides three different models for object tracking, making it easy to compare which one delivers the best results.
Here’s an example. I was doing a stand-up at the BVE trade show in London a few years ago. The problem was that I forgot to bring a light. So, I need to apply a shape mask to my face, improve the lighting, then track that “light” as I move around the screen.
To make this work:
NOTE: A Color Mask creates a mask for a specific color range in the image.
In the Viewer, adjust the mask shape by dragging one or more red dots (top red arrow), or rotate it by dragging the green dot (lower red arrow). The inner red circle (green arrow) is the mask, the outer red circle (blue arrow) determines feathering.
NOTE: The white dot transitions the inner shape between a circle and a rectangle.
Once the mask is positioned and adjusted, click the Tracker text button (right red arrow) at the top of the Viewer. This enables tracking.
Finally, click the right pointing arrows (left red arrow) to track from the position of the playhead to the end of the clip. If there isn’t a lot of movement in the frame, the track is created quickly and you are ready to adjust the effect and continue editing.
However, sometimes the track gets lost. In that case, pick a position in the middle of the clip, set a marker, then track forward by clicking the right-pointing set of arrows, then return to the marker and track back to the beginning by clicking the left-pointing set of arrows.
Many times that allows the tracking software to properly track your object.
If you still have problems, open the Video Inspector, scroll to the bottom and show the contents of Trackers. The key setting here is Analysis Method.
There are four options. What I’ve found best is to select each option and re-track the portion of the clip giving you problems using each of the four settings, then pick the option that delivers the best results.
NOTE: Machine learning is fastest. I tend to like Point Cloud – but every clip is different.
The worst case is that you need to manually keyframe position changes for those situations where the tracker gets irretrievably lost.
Apple Help has lots of information on how object tracking works, how to adjust it, and techniques to fix problems.
When you are done with the track, click the Done button at the top right (red arrow) to exit the Tracker controls.
Tracking has been a weak spot in Final Cut. These enhancements are all to the good.
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