[This is an excerpt from a recent PowerUP webinar: Reading Video Scopes and Color Correction In Adobe Premiere Pro CC, which you can download from our store. You can also access all our webinars by becoming a subscriber.]
When you create video for broadcast, cable, or DVD, excessive video levels can cause bad problems for your images, or, worse, get your project rejected by quality control engineers. Complicating this problem is that almost all video cameras shoot white levels that are too “hot.” The Video Limiter, inside Adobe Premiere Pro CC, is designed to keep both white levels and black levels “legal.”
NOTE: Here’s an article that goes into this effect in more detail.
This short video tutorial illustrates how apply and set the Video Limiter effect In Adobe Premiere Pro CC to keep your video levels safe and your images looking good.
TRT: 2:22 — QuickTime HD movie
NOTE: This video may not play inside FireFox, please use a different browser.
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