Adobe Introduces Productions for Premiere Pro CC

Posted on by Larry

Last Thursday, at Sundance, Adobe introduced Productions for Adobe Premiere Pro CC. This is a new feature set, coming soon to Premiere Pro. Productions provides new tools for managing projects, sharing assets between them, and keeping everything organized, whether you’re working on your own or collaborating with a team.

Here’s how Adobe describes this new feature.

(Click to see larger image. Image courtesy of Adobe.)

What Productions Does

When you have large or complex projects, Productions allows you to divide them into smaller pieces. For example, an editorial team working on a film can organize their workflow around reels and scenes. Episodic shows can be grouped by season, so it’s easy to access other shows to retrieve things like title sequences or audio elements. Agencies can allocate a Production to each client, so they can quickly reference and retrieve assets from existing projects.

The new Production panel in Premiere Pro provides a command center for managing multi-project workflows. Any projects you add to the Productions folder become part of the Production. Whether you are working on macOS or Windows, any changes you make on disk are reflected in Premiere Pro; changes in Premiere Pro are applied on disk. Productions keep everything in sync.

(Click to see larger image. Image courtesy of Adobe.)

Using shared local storage, multiple editors can work on different projects in the same Production. Project Locking ensures that no one overwrites your work: your colleagues can still access your project, and copy content from it, but they can’t make changes until you’ve completed your edit.

All projects in a Production share the same settings, including scratch disks. This means that preview files rendered by one editor are available for all editors who use that project, ensuring smooth playback and time- saving for the whole team.

The Production panel gives you a bird’s eye view of all your projects and shows you who is working on what so you and your team can track your progress.

(Click to see larger image. Image courtesy of Adobe.)


Adobe is previewing this at Sundance, a release date was not announced. Since Premiere is subscription based, there is no additional cost for this update.

Learn more here:

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