This tip was contributed by Lloyd Walker.
I want to share an experience with you about the spinning wheel of death (SPOD) in FCPX. I’m running on an Intel-based iMac.
While working in a simple project in Final Cut Pro, like a photo slide show with music and narration and some text graphics, the iMac, especially when altering any text layer, would display the spinning wheel.
However, when I checked the Force Quit window, Final Cut was running fine. (To display this window, type Option + Cmd + ESC.)
Here is the odd thing.
As soon as I see the spinning ball all I have to do is jump out to another program. Anything: a browser, a weather app, Mail…, anything. And FCPX stops spinning!
Like instantly!
So a fast little click out and back and FCP’s running! Amazing.
I thought other readers might find this tip helpful.
Larry adds: As someone who sees the SPOD far too often, this is a great tip. Thanks for sharing!
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7 Responses to A Fast Work-Around for the Spinning Beach Ball of Death in Apple Final Cut Pro
I haven’t tried other programmes, but I have noticed that if you open Force Quit and then “threaten” to actually do it by clicking on the button (after which it asks if you really want to quit) then FCP seems to “get scared” and behaves itself. Not always but often.
Smile… I swear, computers are becoming more sentient every day…!
Thank you for the information. It will be put to good use. The spinning ball is a nuisance
Happy to help.
I’ve found that the same applies with the spinning wheel of death (SPOD) when it appears in Motion
As I contributed earlier I have found another piece of advice that truly does work but this may be known by this time……TURN OFF BACKGROUND RENDERING everything works perfect… spinning wheels. I found this remedy from here.
These are great tips – thanks for sharing!