A Different Way to Transition

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the March, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]

Philip Roy writes:

This is Phil from Vermont. Every time your seminar comes to Boston I’m a heartbeat away from going until my wife pulls the plug. (She likes HELP with our 3 kids, I guess) Great newsletter, I’ve told all my editing friends about it.


I was wondering about custom transitions. Whenever I need something more than a page peel or cross fade, I look in the filters tab. I razor blade 10 frames on both sides of the cut, apply the filter to both new clips and then dig into the keyframes to set the filter from invisible to overblown, and then reversed on the next clip.


Is there a faster way to do this? Better yet, a way to save these custom transitions, or at least the keyframing part?

Larry replies: Phil, remind your wife that your kids are always there, while my seminars only come around once a year. (Ah, I’m SURE that will work…)


As for saving your effect, grab the short clip that has your modified filter on it and drag it into the Browser. Then, when you want to apply the effect to a new clip:

NOTE: If the old and new clips are not the same length, the placement of keyframes will be adjusted based on the length of the new clip. If you don’t want the keyframes to scale, uncheck Scale Attribute Times.

UPDATE – April 3, 2009

Andy Mees sent in one more comment:

Shameless self promotion this one, but about creating and saving custom filter stacks as transition, I have a old blog post on exactly that subject. I’m not exactly a prolific blogger, but you might want to pass the link on to Philip …


Larry replies: Thanks, Andy.


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