[ This article was first published in the August, 2007, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Joan Allisen asks:
I was wondering if you can tell me how to copy my favorite transitions and filters and store them so that I don’t lose them when I trash my preferences…
Larry replies: Yup. I learned this recently from Tom Meegan – six months ago, I would have told you it was impossible.
Favorites are only stored in FCP’s preference files. To change this:
1) Grab the Effects tab in the Browser and drag it down and to the right to break it free of the Browser window.
2) Drag the Favorites folder from the Effects tab into your Project window in the Browser.
3) Grab the Effects tab and drag it back up and to the left until you see a heavy black line. When you let go, the two tabs will dock.
Dragging your Favorites folder to the Project file means all your settings are saved with the project. To restore a Favorites folder after trashing preferences, drag the CONTENTS of the Favorites folder from the Project tab into the Favorites folder in the Effects tab.
Only favorites in the Favorites folder of the Effects tab show up in the Effects menu.
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