Martha Moore wrote last week:
I have a question perhaps you can address in the webinar:
When you highlight text and are adjusting text color using FACE, is there a way to adjust the color numbers in the FCP X Inspector to match colors exactly? I know you can use the eye drop tool to play around with the color and the numbers adjust automatically, but I am looking for a way to color text in my FB social media videos to match the exact numbers the company’s art director gave me for the colors in our company logo. For example: H 145, S 78, B 68, R 39, G 174, B 95, L 60.
Martha, the Mac Color Picker, which exists in all Mac applications, gives you an easy way to do this. And, by the way, you won’t need all those numbers; you only need three.
In Final Cut, or any other Mac app, open the Color Picker. (In FCP X or Motion, click the color chip, not the arrow, associated with whatever object you are coloring to display this.)
Click the second icon from the left at the top to select sliders. Then, from the top menu, choose RGB Sliders.
This displays the three RGB sliders. You can adjust colors either by sliding them, or type in a value on the right.
For example, in the values your Art Director provided, you only need to enter:
Red: 39
Green: 174
Blue: 95
– or –
Select the HSB sliders and enter these values:
Hue: 145
Saturation: 78
Brightness: 68
You need one or the other of these sets of three values, but not both; because each set of three numbers generates the corresponding values in the other set.
Or, you can convert a color into a grayscale value (black and white), by choosing the Grayscale Slider and enter a numeric value.
Ta-DAH! Done.
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