Final Cut Library Manager (FCLM) is an extremely useful utility for Final Cut that allows us to manage libraries outside of FCP X itself.
Developed by the two-man team at ArcticWhiteness, this is a utility that I find myself using several times a week.
First introduced four years ago, its feature set continues to expand to now include:
FCLM is a utility that I frequently find myself using – to create stuff, find stuff, remove stuff and, now, to report on stuff.
Last week, the team at Arctic Whiteness released version 3.5.
The new version now includes the ability to export a CSV file based on the main window list in Final Cut Library Manager. This generated list uses the same settings as the window; including sort, search and filtering options.
For example, we can display just those libraries that have an alert, say for missing media, then export that list.
Or, here, I’m exporting a list of all the external media files that were used in a recent webinar edit. This is a great way to track the media that I’m using in a project.
For everyone that needs to track what they’ve got, then report on it to someone else, this is a very welcome update. First, because we can’t do this from inside FCP X itself and second, because the update costs less than $5.00 (US).
Here’s the link to learn more: