Adding Transitions Simultaneously to Multiple Clips

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the August, 2004, issue of
Larry’s Monthly Final Cut Studio Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]

One of the most requested features in my classes is the ability to add the same transition to multiple clips on the Timeline. As you know, Final Cut only allows having one transition selected per track.

However, there’s a fascinating work-around to this problem, which I want to share with you.

Here are four clips on the Timeline. (This works with more than four clips, I’m just using four in this example.) Be sure they are all on the same track. An important note, each clip needs to have sufficient handles for the transition and all transitions need to be identical.

1. Position the Playhead at the beginning of your clip sequence. This is where your transition sequence will start. Then, make sure the Patch Panel is set so that Source (the V1 on the left) points to the track where all your clips are located (generally, the V1 on the right).

2. Select all the clips to which you want to apply the transition, then drag them up to the Canvas and drop them on “Overwrite with Transition.

Voila! The clips are edited back to the Timeline, starting at the location of the Playhead, with the default transition between each clip. (Unless you’ve changed the default transition, this will be a 30 frame cross-dissolve.)

This technique makes creating a video or stills montage a breeze. Experiment with it yourself.

NOTE: After this article was written, Josh Mellicker pointed out that he’s had this tip on his website since version 2 of Final Cut. If you haven’t visited his website, it is absolutely worth the look:


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One Response to Adding Transitions Simultaneously to Multiple Clips

  1. G says:

    need better explaination.

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