Creating Log DPX Files

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the March, 2011, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]


Sebastian Guest writes:

Another interesting one for you or anyone that might have the answer. It’s really nice that Compressor has not only the ability to read DPX files, but also to generate them.


When reading them, it seems to (correctly) read the file headers and decide whether the source is linear or log, and in the case of log, apply a decent enough log->lin conversion, when generating say a ProRes file.


However, when generating DPX files, it assumes you want log DPXs, which of course look grey and washed out on linear displays (displays, monitoring).


There appears to be no way at all of asking it to make linear DPX files. This would seem a glaring omission by Apple, but in case I’m missing something, I figured I’d ask!

Larry replies: Sebastian, this is an interesting question and I have absolutely no clue.

I don’t work with DPX files. But, if anyone knows the answer let me know and I’ll share it.

UPDATE – March 5, 2011

Mike Krause comments:

You asked about DPX files in your newsletter, asking for help. I deal with DPX files and FCP/Compressor all the time and there are no shortage of headaches for the uninitiated. There are far more things to consider with DPX files than just Log and Lin, and Compressor isn’t quite ready for all of this without help (I’m hoping that changes in a hopefully-sooner-than-later upcoming release). There are two quick solutions: When using AJA hardware, it comes with (free) software to do DPX to QT conversion and vice versa. Simple, but not always suited to high-end work. Glue Tools is my plug-in of choice, and it handles everything you can throw at it with very flexible user controls – Raw, Log, Lin, 709 color space, 601 color space, conversions, resizing, you name it. Highly recommended!

Larry replies: Thanks, Mike, I appreciate the update.

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