[ This article was first published in the January, 2011, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Martin Jones writes:
I have a question for you that I have been unable to find in the manual or searching the internet. When I am editing using FCP i like to cut to the music bed or any audio track depending on the situation. I was wondering if there is a way to remove (temporarily) the “audio track name” that appears at the beginning of an audio track and periodically through out? I like to see the waveform as well as listen to adjust my video clips to and sometimes the track name is right in the way.
Any light you could shed would be helpful.
Larry replies: Thanks, Martin, for writing. This is easy.
Go to the bottom left of the Timeline and click the small, right-pointing arrow. Uncheck Audio Clip Names to hide the names of audio clips.
Uncheck Video Clip Names to hide the names of video clips.
This menu also provides many other display options for the Timeline. Feel free to click them and see what happens.
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