Apple Updates Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and Compressor 4

Posted on by Larry

At 1PM today, Cupertino-time, Apple released fairly minor updates to Final Cut Pro X, Motion and Compressor; along with an update to the Pro Video formats. The last updates to these three applications was Sept. 4, 2015.

Here are the details, based on notes in the Mac App Store.

Logo-FCPX.jpgFINAL CUT PRO X (v. 10.2.3)

There are two new features in this Final Cut update that I want to call to your attention:

logo-Motion5MOTION (v.5.2.3)

Logo-Compressor.jpgCOMPRESSOR (v.4.2.2)


These updates are free and available in the Mac App Store.

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2 Responses to Apple Updates Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5 and Compressor 4

  1. I wish to undertake to learn Final Cut Pro X. I just put where I learned a lot over the years into the trash can. They become useless.
    I know about you as a teacher for at least 15 years. Recently, I listened one of your introduction to Final Cut and I like what I heard and saw. How can I continue to become an expert (at least a knowledgable) person on it. I am not a young guy anymore and I love to learn but I may not want to change my method of learning which is start with #1 continue with #2 and so on to the finish. Can you help me there?
    Thank you for you time to read this. Have a nice day

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