FCP X: Using Coremelt TrackX [Video]

[This is an excerpt from our latest webinar: 3rd-Party Plug-ins for Final Cut Pro X, which you can download from our store. You can also access all our Final Cut Pro X training by becoming a subscriber.]

One of the best features in Final Cut Pro X isn’t made by Apple — it’s the vast collection of 3rd-party plug-ins and programs that support and extend Final Cut itself.

Recently, Lary Jordan showcased several new plug-ins for Final Cut. One of the more amazing is TrackX, by CoreMelt. (CoreMelt is a long-time developer of effects plug-ins for Final Cut, Motion, Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.)

In this demo, see how you can use TrackX to motion track an object in Final Cut Pro X without using tracking markers or prepping the background. Then, watch as Larry shows you how to insert one video clip into another video clip, then track the movement.

CoreMelt TrackX

TRT: 8:39 — MPEG-4 HD movie

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5 Responses to FCP X: Using Coremelt TrackX [Video]

  1. Looks great, but when I went to the CoreMelt website I noticed the price is $99, not $49.

  2. Bruce says:

    Coremelts-TrackX: 2-17-14
    I got a chance to see Roger doing a webinar on his new product TrackX and I was amazed by what is could do. Unfortunately as of right now this program is only writen for FCPX and not Motion 5, what a shame. As I saw in your video about this product, Motion 5 couldn’t track your frame. When I asked Roger if he plans on supporting Motion5 he said not untill I get enough requests for it.Larry PLEASE help get the word out, your the man.
    You might have noticed that if you use track text
    you can’t add anything like a drop shadow, (this is sad). If you use simple tracker and create a title in Motion and sent it to FCPX you need to make a compound clip first before you drop it into the well. In my opinion one needs to be able to edit text and add at minimum a drop shadow quickly. Your thoughts ?
    Larry you have a huge following and getting the word out could make all the difference in the world.
    thanks in advance

    • Bruce, you can add a drop shadow in Track Text. In the text editor click on the Font button then controls for adding and modifying text shadow appear.

      Regards, Eberhard

      • Bruce says:

        You are correct, What I should have said to begin with, was how Motion 5 or even FCPX handles the variables of a drop
        shadow/endent/glows or anything beyong the basic title.
        I think this product is SO CLOSE to being awesome. For me it has to work in Motion5 as well & be able to quickly edit text that was misspelled and keep it’s attributes that has been artfully created.
        I hope I’m not the only one that thinks these add-on’s would put this product over the top.

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