Gary Adcock on the Impact of AI on Media (NAB Show New York 2024)

Posted on by Larry


Gary Adcock
Digital Media Consultant


In this interview, Larry Jordan and Gary Adcock discuss what AI (Artificial Intelligence) is and is not, whether we should be afraid of it, and how it gets trained.


Gary Adcock on the Impact of AI on Media

TRT: 6:35 — MPEG-4 HD movie


For a list of all our video interviews at the NAB Show New York 2024,  click here.

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4 Responses to Gary Adcock on the Impact of AI on Media (NAB Show New York 2024)

  1. Evan Fitzer says:

    Hi Larry:
    Not sure if anyone’s noticed or not, but, Geoffrey Hinton did not win the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in developing neural networks, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. Sorry to nit pick.

  2. Steve says:

    Well….. here’s what Geoffrey Hinton has to say

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