How to Sort Lists in Apple Final Cut Pro

Posted on by Larry

Last week, Lew sent me the following question:

“It seems that there’s a very basic error in Final Cut Pro in that the importing media window doesn’t sort alphabetically unless you click on the Name header twice.”

So, I did some research. While it is true that sometimes you may need to double-click the Name column header to sort a list alphabetically, this isn’t an error.

A more accurate set of descriptions would be:

If your version of FCP is not behaving this way, trashing FCP preferences may fix it. (Here’s how.)

This behavior holds true for any list displayed in Final Cut Pro, including those in the Browser.

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2 Responses to How to Sort Lists in Apple Final Cut Pro

  1. mark suszko says:

    My version of this problem is when I want to import a file I don’t get a field to pick by date, which is the handiest method for me. What am I missing to make that default?

    • Larry Jordan says:


      I’m unclear about your question. Content creation dates are displayed in the Browser and Media Import window. What, more specifically, are you looking for?


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