Apple Updates Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Motion & Logic for the Mac

Posted on by Larry

Apple updated all their media software on the Mac to support the latest release of Final Cut Pro and Logic for the iPad. Here’s what’s new.

FINAL CUT PRO (10.6.6)

New features

Final Cut Pro also includes these additional fixes and enhancements:


COMPRESSOR (v. 4.6.4)

New features

Compressor also includes these additional fixes and enhancements:


MOTION (v. 5.6.4)

New features

Motion also includes these additional fixes and enhancements:


LOGIC (v.10.7.8)

The list of enhancements within Logic runs pages. Read the complete Release Notes.

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8 Responses to Apple Updates Final Cut Pro, Compressor, Motion & Logic for the Mac

  1. David Van Hooser says:

    A note about my personal mishap with the recent FCPX upgrade to 10.6.6. This occurred as I’m working on – and was close to finished with – a documentary. I open my edit to discover the Pixel Film Studios error screen on dozens of clips throughout my project. Everywhere I had placed their plug-ins on my clips. Everywhere. A chat with Pixel Film Studios informed me that the FCPX upgrade had resulted in a number of their plug ins now incompatible with 10.6.6. The chat tech attached a list of affected plug ins which of course included the LUT and Face Tracker software I was using. The chat tech indicated they didn’t see this coming… and that modifying these various plug ins to work with 10.6.6 could take weeks, months, perhaps a year. Typically I follow your wise warning NOT to upgrade the first versions of a new OS during a major project. However I never anticipated that an upgraded version of FCPX itself could result in major damage like this. I thought perhaps that moving my external hard drive with the project to my older laptop with FCPX 10.6.5 would save me…. but apparently the auto-save on my desktop had saved the project as a project edited on FCPX 10.6.6 – and now it can’t be accessed/opened on the “older version” of FCPX. (I know this may be hard to follow) Anyway, any suggestions are welcome. And just a heads-up on plug ins and 3rd party software that can be derailed by an upgrade to FCPX itself.

    • Larry Jordan says:


      Wow! What a shock. Thanks for letting us know.

      However, all may not be lost. Using the Finder, look in FCP backups – generally in the Movies folder. There you’ll find multiple copies of recent versions of your project.

      Copy that folder and move it to a system with an earlier version of FCP. It should open one of the good versions – at worst you lost your most recent tweaks, but you’ll get your project back.


    • I always took Larry’s advice as to not do ANY upgrades during a project.

    • I work for an organization with multiple editors that unfortunately uses a business plan that forces all machines to upgrade with the latest version of the software when it’s released. Not only did this affect third-party plugin compatibility, but even Apple’s own built-in limiter was affected. Imagine going through countless edits to remove and replace the limiter effect, all the while trying to remember what values were used. Only one edit machine in our office didn’t get the upgrade so we quickly copied that version of FCP to all the other machines so we could finish our projects without going down that road. Apple really should have given us more warning on this one!

  2. Richard Hale says:

    Once again another update without a fix to the incompatibility of FCPX/COMPRESSOR’s blu-ray not working on standalone blu-ray players. If I could I would pass an injunction forbidding further development at Apple until they take care of this.

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