How to Create or Delete a RAID Using Apple Disk Utility

Posted on by Larry

Here’s how to create or delete a RAID 0 or RAID 1 multi-disk storage system using Apple Disk Utility.

NOTE: Here’s a tutorial that explains what these RAID levels mean.

Disk Utility is a Mac application that is stored in Applications > Utilities. Disk Utility can only create RAID 0 and RAID 1 volumes. You’ll need to use other software, such as SoftRAID from OWC, to create RAID 4, 5, 6, or 1+0.


Click Next and, after a few seconds, the RAID is created and displayed on the desktop.


To delete a RAID, first, unmount it from the Desktop.

NOTE: Even though the RAID is unmounted, Disk Utility will still display it. If it doesn’t, make sure the RAID is turned on and connected to your Mac.


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6 Responses to How to Create or Delete a RAID Using Apple Disk Utility

  1. Don Stafford says:

    Do you format the individual blades and then create RAID? Or create RAID and then format?

    • Larry says:


      It depends upon the software. Apple Disk Utility formats drives during the RAID creation process. OWC SoftRAID requires individual drives to be formatted first, then combined into a RAID.

      In both cases, any existing data on the drives is erased when the RAID is created.


  2. Robert Withers says:

    I think “blade” is new jargon for SSD drive, no? For those of us working in 4K I think the spinning drives are still fine,right? Please advise and correct as needed. Thanks for all your info.

    • Larry Jordan says:


      Blade is a very old IBM term for a device mounted on a card that slips into a slot on a chassis. Think of those PCIe cards that plugged into old IBM PCs.

      In general, a spinning hard disk is OK for single camera editing of 4K. But it will have problems with multicam. For 4K I recommend a RAID, either HDD or SSD.


  3. Jim Edds says:

    It’s so much easier creating a RAID0 with Apple RAID Disk Utility using your way Larry vs the Apple Support way. I’m getting rid of all my SoftRaid RAID 5 and just going with Apple RAID0. Fewer problems to deal with when Apple rolls out another OSx update.

    Thanks for the step by step with photos.

    • Larry Jordan says:


      Happy to help. Please remember, though, that RAID 5 protects your data in case one hard drive dies. RAID 0 is faster and holds more, but you lose all your data if one drive fails.


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