[ This article was first published in the June, 2010, issue of
Larry’s Monthly Final Cut Studio Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Brandon Lindquist writes:
So, I have footage that was shot with 4 tracks of audio.
- First 2 tracks – Cam mic
- Second 2 tracks – Empty
For the production, they recorded audio on an external device, with 4 tracks.
- First 2 tracks – Good Audio
- Second 2 tracks – Empty
When I merge the video and audio clips I get a Merged Clip with 8 tracks of audio.
The useable audio being on tracks 5 and 6. This is of course a huge pain the butt.
Is there anyway in FCP to remove certain audio tracks from the merged clip?
Is there even a way to remove audio tracks from the clips themselves?
I can’t find an answer to that question, so its leaving me to believe there isn’t a way.
I would also much rather not change the original source files, like in some solutions I’ve come across.
Larry replies: Yes and Yes.
Without changing the source clips
Do this for as many audio tracks as you need, then merge the clip
With changing the source files.
Brandon adds:
Thanks – this helps a lot. By the way, I was looking for a way to automate this, and here’s what I found.
- I synced and merged all my clips(138 of them).
- Exported them and all their 8 tracks of audio.
- Then used qtChange 1.2 to delete all my unwanted audio tracks.(It doesn’t transcode them. It “changes” them. It did all 138 in like 10min)
- I then imported the “changed” clips into FCP, and all my footage was synced with just the 2 tracks I needed.
Heres the link to the qtChange site:
Larry replies: Thanks for the additional information.
By the way, you can also use the Process > Remove tracks option in Soundtrack Pro to remove tracks from a source clip on your hard disk. Here’s a webinar that describes the process.
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