Tips on Getting a Job in Post-Production

Posted on by Larry

[This article was first published in the August, 2005, issue of Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe.]

Jake Rake wrote:

I greatly appreciate your posting some of your very helpful tips online. I am eager to learn as much as I can about Final Cut Pro, as I am a college student relying on these skills to earn myself a career in video/film production. What other resources do you suggest I seek to learn more about video production and get my name out there?

Larry replies: Sometimes, it seems I’ve spent my life searching for a steady job. And, to help my in my search, I’ve spent a lot of money on job counseling training and job hunting tips.

In my classes, my students all seem to be between jobs or looking for something better, so I compiled a list of suggestions based on my experience that’s been useful to me when I am, um, “between projects.”

Here’s a baker’s dozen:

  1. Who you know gets you the interview. What you know gets you the job. How you do gets you the next job.
  2. Enthusiasm and willingness to learn wins over talent.
  3. People skills are as important as technical skills
  4. A great demo reel is nice. A face-to-face interview is much, MUCH better.
  5. You are not paid to have opinions on your first job.
  6. There are virtually no full-time jobs in post-production. Almost all post work is free-lance.
  7. Therefore, do every job as though it is the resume for your next one.
  8. Who you are is as important as your resume.
  9. Who you know is important. Who you GET to know is critical.
  10. Never take “no” for an answer, until you’ve asked the question seven times.
  11. Always follow-up. Always.
  12. Always send thank you notes.
  13. Never give up.

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One Response to Tips on Getting a Job in Post-Production

  1. Bono qin says:


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