Finding a Clip!

Posted on by Larry

[ This article was first published in the Sept/Oct, 2007, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]

Christian Johnson writes:

If I use just the video part of a clip, i.e. as an insert or b/roll and then decide to call up the audio to include also, how do I do it without having to go back to search the original footage, is there a command that retrieves the audio track or re-links it_

Larry replies: Thanks for writing! Put your playhead in the clip you want to locate and type the letter F.

If the clip is on a track OTHER than V1, then before pressing F, option-click the gray Auto-Select button for the track containing the clip you want to locate (the buttons are on the left side of the timeline).

Final Cut

The clip you want is loaded into the Viewer with matching In, Out, and Playhead position.

If you turned off the Auto-Select buttons, option-click on the same button to turn everything back on again.

UPDATE – 10/4/07

Nathan Seay and Brendan Cusack both wrote to say:

To avoid messing with the auto-select buttons, you can simply select a clip in the timeline. With the playhead parked over the selection, hit F and it will ignore the auto-select buttons (it works with shift-F too). This is much faster and easier, especially if you’re interested in an audio track.

Larry replies: This, too, can work. However, as Brendan points out, this is often not reliable. Using the Auto Select buttons works every time.


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