[ This article was first published in the August, 2009, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
As you know, most versions of Final Cut Pro are tied to certain versions of QuickTime, but as time passes, it gets harder and harder to remember all the different permutations. I can’t remember if I wrote about this already, but Mark Besh sent me this:
FYI: Found this chart of suggested configurations at Digital Rebellion.com
Larry replies: Thanks Mark for pointing this out, and Digital Rebellion for putting it together.
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2 Responses to Recommended Combinations of Final Cut Pro and QuickTime
It seems the suggested QT and FCP configs at Digital Rebellion.com are for earlier versions of FinalCutPro (pre FCP X). I currently have FCP X 10.6 and am looking for a QT version match.
With FCP X, Apple has moved away from QuickTime as the foundation for media playback because its technology is only 32-bit. Instead, they are working with AV Foundations, which is 64-bit. For this reason, we no longer need to sync QuickTime with FCP. I use both QuickTime Player X (for playback) and QuickTime Player 7 in my daily editing.