[ This article was first published in the September, 2010, issue of
Larry’s Monthly Final Cut Studio Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
This is a summary of a discussion on a recent Final Cut Pro listserv.
I have been using DVDSP for years and have never experienced this before and now it’s happened to 3/4 of my class. None of the usual outlets have provided an answer either (creative cow, etc…).
The content is not visible in the palette. You can trash prefs and the content shows up for NEW projects, but when you open up existing projects they disappear.
I have had this happen twice in my career. I do not know why but essentially anything in the palette is a “pointer” to the location of the external assets.
In my 2 instances I duplicated the asset folder, renamed it significantly
(not just **_r1″).
Import this new folder.
Never had a explanation. Hope this helps…
Larry adds: I’ve never tried this, but thought it might be helpful to some of you.
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