[ This article was first published in the June, 2004, issue of
Larry’s Final Cut Pro Newsletter. Click here to subscribe. ]
Using Edit to Tape is great, because you can precisely determine the timecode on the record tape where Final Cut will record your sequence for output.
However, in order to use Edit to Tape, you must lay timecode on your record tape first, in a process called, “Striping your Tape.” This technique explains how to stripe your tapes.
If you have a Firewire deck, or camera, and want to make sure you have continuous timecode and black recorded on the whole tape, you could simply load a new tape, press record and walk away. However, with a camera, the mike may remain hot and record a lot of audio you may not want to keep.
Here’s a better way: use the “Black and Code” button in the Edit to Tape window.
Connect your deck, or camera, and turn it on. Put in a new tape you want to erase.
Then, open the Edit to Tape window.
At the top center of the window is a SMALL icon that looks like a squashed bug. This is the “Black and Code” button. Click it.
The first dialog allows you specify the video setting you want to use. Select the setting that most closely represents your average sequence setting (DV NTSC 48K for the US, for instance.)
A second dialog will appear if you have a deck that allows setting timecode (which means virtually all Beta decks and very high-end DV decks), where you can specify the starting timecode for the tape, as well as whether you want it to be drop-frame, or non-drop frame.
Third, a warning dialog appears saying you are about to erase your entire tape. Click OK. Black and coding occurs in real-time. So, if you’ve loaded a one hour tape, come back in an hour, rewind the tape and you’re ready to go.
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