Final Cut Pro X: Making the Transition

Final Cut Pro X: Making the Transition


Final Cut Pro X has literally rocked the film and video-editing world by completely redefining what it means to edit. For both new and existing users, learning Final Cut Pro X is like learning a brand-new program. Final Cut Pro X is deep, powerful, and sophisticated — if you know where to look. The key is learning how it works without wasting time. That's where this book can help. In this easy-to-read, compact guide, popular trainer and Final Cut Pro guru Larry Jordan takes you through all the components of the software. If you are new to editing, he explains the basics. If you are experienced, he gives you techniques to make you faster.

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Pre-order Larry Jordan’s latest book: Final Cut Pro X: Making the Transition


Final Cut Pro X has literally rocked the film and video-editing world by completely redefining what it means to edit. For both new and existing users, learning Final Cut Pro X is like learning a brand-new program. Final Cut Pro X is deep, powerful, and sophisticated — if you know where to look. The key is learning how it works without wasting time.

That’s where this book can help. In this easy-to-read, compact guide, popular trainer and Final Cut Pro guru Larry Jordan takes you through all the components of the software. If you are new to editing, he explains the basics. If you are experienced, he gives you techniques to make you faster.

Here are just a few things you’ll find in Final Cut Pro X: Making the Transition:

  • A one-chapter “Quick Start” guide to get you working in the program right away.
  • Detailed help with imported media and working with keywords.
  • Step-by-step, detailed coverage of editing and trimming, including using the Precision Editor.
  • Entire chapters devoted to audio, color correction, speed changes, transitions, and motion effects.
  • Detailed explanations of the latest features in the 10.0.1 and 10.0.2 FCP X releases from Apple — including Roles.
  • A video effects cookbook.
  • An audio effects cookbook.
  • And HUNDREDS of quick tips, keyboard shortcuts, and industry insights to make your editing faster, better, and more productive.

352 pages, Full color, Paperback