Free Tutorials

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Navigating the Final Cut Pro Viewer Menu [v]

There is a LOT you can do to customize the Viewer in Final Cut Pro. And it all starts with discovering what the View menu can do.

Make the Most of Final Cut Pro’s Browser Settings [v]

In this video tutorial, discover how to make the most of Browser settings, including better ways to organize files, create custom metadata, and create projects faster and more easily.

Move Media Out of a Final Cut Pro Library to Store Externally

In this tutorial, see how to convert a Final Cut Pro library from one where all the media is stored in the Library to one where all the media is stored external to the library.

Webinar Excerpt: What Can We Do to Protect Our Work?

AI is causing seismic tremors of fear and loathing throughout the entire creative community. In this short snippet, Sam Bogoch, Founder/CEO of Axle AI, describes what media creators can do to protect their work. There are real threats and real opportunities – and the pace is only going to speed up.

Webinar Excerpt: Can AI Be Trained Without Stealing?

AI is causing seismic tremors of fear and loathing throughout the entire creative community. In this short snippet, Sam Bogoch, Founder/CEO of Axle AI, explains to Larry Jordan whether it’s possible for AI to be trained without violating copyrights or stealing the creative work of others?

Webinar Excerpt: AI Doesn’t Have to Replace Us

AI is causing seismic tremors of fear and loathing throughout the entire creative community. In this short snippet, Sam Bogoch, Founder/CEO of Axle AI, shares his thoughts with Larry Jordan on whether there are any applications where AI can enable us to get our work done, as opposed to replace us?

Transcript: Video Meets AI – A Briefing Webinar

Artificial intelligence is causing seismic tremors of fear and loathing throughout the entire creative community. So this week I decided to find out what’s real, what’s hype, and what we can do about it by interviewing Sam Bogoch, Founder/CEO of Axle AI.

Key Trends in Media Technology and Post-Production: AI and Cloud-Based Collaboration

For professional media creators, the landscape is increasingly complex and demanding. The integration of advanced technologies changed everything. Now, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud computing are not just optional extras but essential tools for staying competitive.

Why You Can’t Import a Section of a Video Clip for Editing

A question I get all the time is: “How do I import just a section of a clip? The original is really long and I don’t want to waste disk space.”
Regardless of the video editing software (NLE) you use, the answer is not initially encouraging: “You can’t. Here’s why.

Why Would A Training Company Join Forces With A Media Asset Management Company?

Earlier today, Axle AI announced it has acquired the extensive library, training properties and websites of Larry Jordan & Associates Inc., as an independent division of Axle AI, Inc. Here’s an explanation of why.

Hidden Fx Badges Speed Modifying Effects in Premiere Pro [v]

Fx badges are hidden in plain sight in every Premiere Pro clip. But, what you may not know is how much they can speed adding and modifying audio and video effects. In this short video, Larry Jordan shows where these are, how they work and the tricks you can put them through.

New Proxy Workflow in Adobe Premiere Pro [v]

Adobe continues making video proxies easier to create and more useful. In this short video, Larry Jordan explains how to create proxies and the new custom watermark feature.

New Interactive Audio Fade Controls in Premiere Pro [v]

Premier Pro stole a very useful audio technique from Audition and added interactive fade handles to every audio clip. In this short video, Larry Jordan illustrates what these are, how they work and when to use them.

Captions Are Not Titles [v]

Captions are not titles, though both display text to the screen. In this short video, Larry Jordan explains the principle reasons not to worry about formatting captions.

Five Hidden Keyboard Shortcuts to Faster Trimming in Adobe Premiere Pro

Here are five keyboard shortcuts that help make trimming clips in Premiere fly. (Plus an “extra speedy bonus!”)

Deepfake Technology: Ethical Considerations and Applications in Media

Deepfake technology offers significant potential for innovation across various sectors, including entertainment and education. However, its ethical implications, particularly regarding misinformation, fraud, and privacy violations, cannot be ignored. Here’s an overview.

New Marker and Text Editing Features in Adobe Premiere Pro v24.5 [v]

Adobe added a variety of new features to enhance markers and text editing in two recent releases. This includes better searches, smoother edits and faster performance. Larry Jordan illustrates these new features in this short video.

Improved Text and Caption Styles in Premiere Pro

Adobe updated text and graphic styles in the March, 2024, update. A “style” is a format, like a template, that is applied to text or captions. This tutorial explains how they work.

CrowdStrike: A Cautionary Tale

The system disruption caused by a badly-formatted Windows boot file autonomously distributed by CrowdStrike last Friday preventing some Windows systems from booting is a cautionary tale for all of us. Even Mac users need to pay attention.

Use Roles to Find Clips Faster in Apple Final Cut Pro 10.8

Roles can now display different colors in an Apple Final Cut Pro 10.8 timeline. This new technique also provides a super-powerful, secret selection trick that can help organize complex projects, and apply effects. This is a trick worth knowing.