Pointers to Look and Sound Your Best On Camera

Posted on by Larry

Larry: Now that many of us find ourselves at home and video chatting with the world, Jonathan Barkan sent me the following tips.


Jonathan Barkan
Executive Producer/Director
Communications for Learning

During my 48-year career as a media producer/director I’ve conducted hundreds of on-camera interviews. No matter who is in the “hot seat,” the objective is always the same – flatter the talent. And help them to be comfortable and at ease.

These days, like it or not, we’re all pretty much on our own to look and sound great on camera. Key ingredients are lighting, audio quality, and the setting. A deficiency in one drags down the others and the overall quality of our message. Whether it’s an internal meeting or a marketing presentation, presenting a lecture or participating in a webinar, we’re learning how hard it is to be genuine, to look into the camera, and represent ourselves and our brands well on camera.

Today’s cameras are a modern day phenomenon and are very forgiving. But here are a few pointers to look and sound your best.

There’s really no reason to look or sound bad when you appear online. An additional incentive is that recording capability means you might regret how you “look and feel” years from now or even sooner!

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