LTO Tape Archiving Explained [v]

Posted on by Larry

[ This is an excerpt from a recent on-line webinar: “Ask Larry Anything!” which is available as a download in our store, or as part of our Video Training Library. ]


“Ask Larry Anything,” is a free-form conversation about subjects related to editing. In this short video tutorial, Larry Jordan explains what an LTO tape drive is, the differences between LTO generations, recommendations for LTO software and how media creators can use this technology to safely archive their media and projects for decades.


LTO Tape Archiving Explained

TRT: 15:55 — MPEG-4 HD movie



We restart our fall season with “Ask Larry Anything.” Presented by Larry Jordan, this is a free-form conversation about, well, anything you want to ask. This session is organized into two categories: LTO tape archiving for media and Apple Final Cut Pro. This session covers:

These sessions are always interesting because there is always new stuff to learn!


These questions span the range from beginner to advanced. Every editor using Apple software can benefit from this session.

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One Response to LTO Tape Archiving Explained [v]

  1. David Scott says:

    Thanks for this Larry – very helpful… as always!

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