Discover the Event Viewer in Final Cut Pro

Hidden inside the Final Cut interface is a monitor that simplifies reviewing clips: the Event Viewer. While not part of the initial release, Apple added it in response to editors who missed the preview monitor in Final Cut Pro 7.

This provides a much bigger preview window for clips in the Browser.

To display (or hide) it, go to Window > Show in Workspace > Event Viewer.

(Images courtesy of Terry Holland, Northeast Drone Video –

A new monitor appears to the left of the Viewer. Normally, the Viewer shows video from either the Browser or the timeline, depending upon which is active.

When the Event Viewer is open, the Viewer only displays timeline video. The Event Viewer displays whichever video clip you are skimming in the Browser in a much larger window, without losing the timeline image. This makes it easier to match action between clips in the timeline and Browser.

The Event Viewer is just a video monitor; you can’t “do” anything with it. It has no controls. You still use the Browser for:

However, when you want to see the bigger picture – and not lose sight of your program – the Event Viewer is exactly what you need.

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5 Responses to Discover the Event Viewer in Final Cut Pro

  1. Jim McQuaid says:

    I was surprised to hear this described as unknown to most editors! I’ve been using this forever. Possibly because my edit system has two large monitors. The Viewer and the Event viewer are the only things (normally) on the second monitor, which is color-calibrated.
    There is play/stop control and timecode readout at the bottom of the event viewer in my configuration. It is a very useful part of Final Cut

  2. gloria messer says:

    Larry, Apple made a big mistake. I would never have given up on Final Cut Pro, if they had provided access to a second viewer in Final Cut 7. However, I would also need complete access to the Event Viewer to switch back to Final Cut Pro. Any chance of this ever happening??? Thanx for pointing this out.

  3. Paul Fey says:

    Nice! This will come in very handy. Thanks, Larry!

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